Monday, April 26, 2010

Lake Havasu - Playing at the Beach

The water at Lake Havasu is beautiful and very clear. Not nasty, dirty lake water like some places. It was, however, pretty chilly!! With sunscreen generously slathered, we tried to spend as much time as possible down on the beach.
Happy boy!

This was Kehlton's first time dipping his toes in. He didn't like it at all to start out with, but quickly warmed up to the idea!

Brychan loved, loved, LOVED playing with his sand toys. We spent several hours just playing in the sand. Digging holes, filling them with water, collecting little shells and rocks and throwing them back into the water. Great fun!

Is this the boy who hates getting his hands dirty? He did start off keeping one hand help up in the air, but quickly got over it and just dug in. By the time we were done, he was covered in sand from neck to toes and loved every minute of it!

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