Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Day

After we had such a wonderful Easter Eve, I was excited for a wonderful Easter day. It started out great...nice big breakfast (pancakes w/strawberries, eggs), LaLa came over, we dyed Easter eggs and I started prepping for Easter dinner. We caught what glimpses we could of morning session of conference and put Brychan down for his nap. While he was napping, the Easter bunny made her visit.

I waited until after nap to put the cute Easter clothes on (when I bought the Easter outfits months ago, I forgot that it was conference weekend. However, I wasn't taking them back...they were too cute!), and things quickly went downhill.

(There are half a dozen or so photos similar to this)
This little guy, however, was more than happy to show off his smiles and cuteness!

The attitude improved drastically once we got outside. Although it took awhile to get his focus off the pinwheels (which he loves) and get him to start looking for eggs.

So excited to find an egg with a truck inside!

After all was said and done, I really just wanted one good photo of the boys together. Unfortunately, this is the best we got. There is a series of not good photos of the two of them which consist of Brychan pushing Kehlton off, smushing Kehlton's head, or just screaming bloody murder while Kehlton is smiling and cooing.
Once the Easter "festivities" were over life, and attitudes, went back to normal and we enjoyed the rest of our evening!

We really had a wonderful holiday weekend. I wish days could always be like this...spending fun time with family, relaxing, not having to worry about normal responsibilities or work. Reflecting on our blessings and our gratitude for our Savior. We hope all of you enjoyed such a wonderful weekend as well!

1 comment:

The Other Michelle said...

I love that the Easter Bunny left a Elmo potty book. Very clever sneaking that in the basket and making it from the beloved bunny ;)