Friday, February 5, 2010

Sharing our Toys is HARD to do...

I've started pulling out a few different toys for Kehlton to try out and explore. Unfortunately, it's not without some stiff competition from big brother.

Trying to enjoy the little play gym...
Until forced out by Brychan; who, by the way, never really liked playing with this until now. Incidentally, he played like this for about half an hour.
Learning how to figure out the Rainforest jumper...
With brother, once again, stealing the show. As you can see, Brychan made the "fun" a little too over-stimulating and not so much fun. *Please excuse the pantless little boy. It wasn't worth the fight.
And a few updates...
The Prevacid is working!!!! Our nights this week have been FREE from gagging, gurgling, puking and multiple wardrobe/bedding changes. And, I don't think I've had to change anybody's clothes this week. There is still a little bit of spitting up here and there, but it's an amount I feel is totally normal.
Kehlton's newest trick? Clicking his tongue. And he loves to have others join him.

1 comment:

The Other Michelle said...

Cute kids! Brychan looks like he is having a blast! Poor Kehlton :)