Friday, October 1, 2010

Eye Spy...

Tonight, we finally got around to ordering Brychan's new glasses. He's getting new frames and everything (we've had his old frames for a year now and couldn't pass up "renewing" the year warranty that replaces frames as often as necessary no questions asked). I'm not gonna lie - there was some serious bribing involved in order to get him into shopping mode.

If Brychan would have had his way, he may have ended up with these "pretty" spectacles ("pretty" being Brychan's definition): (sorry for the blurriness - camera phone on a moving target)
Or these bad boys
But, since Momma was in charge, we left both those pair of glasses at the store and bought a cute pair of simple, silver, wire frames that fit his face quite nicely. You'll get to see those in a week to 14 days. (By the way, I haven't seen his eye turn in like that for well over a month. Yipee!! He hasn't been wearing his glasses for the last few days because Baby Brother has mutilated them quite nicely. I'm guessing that's why his eye is so tired now!)

1 comment:

The Other Michelle said...

Aren't you awesome to let him help choose? We aren't so nice!