Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Chatty Kathy

We are LOVING all the conversation with Brychan lately. The things he comes up with are hilarious, show just how much he is paying attention to things and are often totally out of nowhere.

This morning, I'm sitting here doing some "work" on the computer while the baby is sleeping and Brychan is watching his beloved Super Why before nap. He comes up, taps me on the arm, and we have the following conversation:

Bug: "Mommy?"
Me: "Yes, love?"
Bug: "I want a cookie"
Me: "I'm sorry Bug, but I don't have any cookies today."

Brychan thinks about it for maybe half a second and in the sweetest, but most demanding voice he can muster, replies with, "But Mom, I want a cookie, NOW!".

He has no clue what "NOW" really means...other than the fact that David and I say it to him probably a thousand times a day...pick up your toys now, come over here now, stop doing that now, please, it's time for nap/dinner/bath now...

I laughed and laughed at him, and he easily gave up and asked for some milk. Which he promptly received. And honestly? He'll probably end up with the cookies now too, because that was just too dang cute!

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