There are two other babies/mommies in Kehlton's class. Kehlton, a 9 month old little boy and a 12 month old little girl. Kehlton is absolutely in love with that little girl.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Summer Swim
Both boys are finishing up their second week of swim lessons tomorrow and they both L-O-V-E it!! Luckily, swim lessons run through the end of July, and I'm sure we'll be taking full advantage of it right up until the last day.
There are two other babies/mommies in Kehlton's class. Kehlton, a 9 month old little boy and a 12 month old little girl. Kehlton is absolutely in love with that little girl.
Watching his little girlfriend admiringly
Jumping in and out of the water. Today he repeatedly stuck his face in the water all by himself...hopefully he won't start freaking himself out doing that.
There are two other babies/mommies in Kehlton's class. Kehlton, a 9 month old little boy and a 12 month old little girl. Kehlton is absolutely in love with that little girl.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
"Happy" Friday!
Friday night, I was getting Kehlton ready for bed. Walked back into our bedroom and stumbled across this:

And looking up at the top of David's side of our closet

And our huge gaping hole looking up through the closet ceiling into the attic.
I noticed this around 8:00pm and we spent the next 4 hours cleaning and trying to figure out what happened.
At first I just saw the stuff on the tile and wondered if the dog had gotten into an old pillow or blanket until I realized I was looking at old insulation, and then I noticed the rest.
This is on the other side of the closet floor
And looking up at the top of David's side of our closet
And our huge gaping hole looking up through the closet ceiling into the attic.
Turns out the pipe to drain the a/c unit was clogged (thank you to our past renters who refused to change the filter ever!) and the drip pan was not installed correctly. So, after enough over flow and dripping, the ceiling just caved. David got the a/c fixed this morning (after a fairly uncomfortable night...we didn't want it dripping continuously, so turned the a/c up) and we are still cleaning and trying to figure out the best way to repair it.
I am still in the process of cleaning ALL of David's clothes. I may be doing laundry non-stop for the next week. However, I am SO grateful that my husband knows how to fix all the problems himself, so we don't have to hire anybody; just pay for supplies. Phew!!
WARNING!!! May Contain Graphic Content!
I know I shouldn't post this. I know Brychan will hate me for it some day. But I thought it was SO funny, I couldn't help myself.
Dave and Bug were in the backyard working last night. I had noticed Brychan and Kehlton playing with each other through the glass door, so I grabbed the camera for some cute photos. (and seriously? If anybody knows how to keep glass doors clean with an infant, a toddler and two large dogs, I'd greatly appreciate the tips!) I kept watching and this is what unfolded:
One little boy looks around to see if he can see his Daddy, wondering if he's gonna get caught. No? No Daddy in sight? Awesome!!

Dave and Bug were in the backyard working last night. I had noticed Brychan and Kehlton playing with each other through the glass door, so I grabbed the camera for some cute photos. (and seriously? If anybody knows how to keep glass doors clean with an infant, a toddler and two large dogs, I'd greatly appreciate the tips!) I kept watching and this is what unfolded:
One little boy looks around to see if he can see his Daddy, wondering if he's gonna get caught. No? No Daddy in sight? Awesome!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Just Because
He's so cute

Yes...he's still in the bassinet, right next to our bed. Brychan got the boot as soon as he turned 6 months old. However, Brychan was quite a bit larger than Kehlton and could no longer fit in the bassinet at 6 months (and, by the way? Brychan received the outfit that Kehlton is currently wearing as a gift and was never able to wear it cause he was just too big!). AND, since the boys will be sharing a room, we are trying to wait until they are both sleeping a little better at night. I'd hate to have them just waking each other up repeatedly for weeks on end. That wouldn't be happy sleeping for anybody!
And for now, I really don't mind the extra company!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Happy Father's Day!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Swimming With LaLa
While Dave was working this morning, LaLa and I took the boys swimming. We had a blast!
Bug with his floaties and fish...which he LOVES...
And his new fan club! We weren't even there 5 minutes before this family was swarming him with rubber duckies and a life jacket. Notice the mom on the left hand side? She was just as enthralled with Brychan as the kids were.
Kehlton eating one of the duckies
And watching the chaos made by his brother's fan club. Don't worry baby. One day you'll have your own fan club(s) too!
Swim lessons start on Monday for both boys. Should be lots of fun!!
Bug with his floaties and fish...which he LOVES...

I have the best sister in the world. Period. She is so fun to hang out with, she loves my boys as if they were her own...we LOVE having her so close.
Yesterday was rough for me. Just an over-all "terrible horrible no good very bad day". I had vented to her for about half an hour; until I had to get other things done. 45 minutes later, she shows up on my doorstep totally unexpected saying she was here for anything I needed: help cleaning the house, just keeping the boys occupied, letting David and I go out...whatever. She has a wide variety of reason she should not have shown up last night, but I so greatly appreciate that she did. I started sobbing as soon as she walked in the door!!

Thank you so much (again), Ashley!!! Just you showing up made my day quite a bit brighter!
Yesterday was rough for me. Just an over-all "terrible horrible no good very bad day". I had vented to her for about half an hour; until I had to get other things done. 45 minutes later, she shows up on my doorstep totally unexpected saying she was here for anything I needed: help cleaning the house, just keeping the boys occupied, letting David and I go out...whatever. She has a wide variety of reason she should not have shown up last night, but I so greatly appreciate that she did. I started sobbing as soon as she walked in the door!!
Thank you so much (again), Ashley!!! Just you showing up made my day quite a bit brighter!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Little Army Man
Well, Kehlton has his army crawl down pat and is now all over the house! It's a race between him and Biggs to see who can get to Brychan's biscuit or sandwich crumbs first. Kehlton was the winner this afternoon!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Chatty Kathy
We are LOVING all the conversation with Brychan lately. The things he comes up with are hilarious, show just how much he is paying attention to things and are often totally out of nowhere.
This morning, I'm sitting here doing some "work" on the computer while the baby is sleeping and Brychan is watching his beloved Super Why before nap. He comes up, taps me on the arm, and we have the following conversation:
Bug: "Mommy?"
Me: "Yes, love?"
Bug: "I want a cookie"
Me: "I'm sorry Bug, but I don't have any cookies today."
Brychan thinks about it for maybe half a second and in the sweetest, but most demanding voice he can muster, replies with, "But Mom, I want a cookie, NOW!".
He has no clue what "NOW" really means...other than the fact that David and I say it to him probably a thousand times a day...pick up your toys now, come over here now, stop doing that now, please, it's time for nap/dinner/bath now...
I laughed and laughed at him, and he easily gave up and asked for some milk. Which he promptly received. And honestly? He'll probably end up with the cookies now too, because that was just too dang cute!
This morning, I'm sitting here doing some "work" on the computer while the baby is sleeping and Brychan is watching his beloved Super Why before nap. He comes up, taps me on the arm, and we have the following conversation:
Bug: "Mommy?"
Me: "Yes, love?"
Bug: "I want a cookie"
Me: "I'm sorry Bug, but I don't have any cookies today."
Brychan thinks about it for maybe half a second and in the sweetest, but most demanding voice he can muster, replies with, "But Mom, I want a cookie, NOW!".
He has no clue what "NOW" really means...other than the fact that David and I say it to him probably a thousand times a day...pick up your toys now, come over here now, stop doing that now, please, it's time for nap/dinner/bath now...
I laughed and laughed at him, and he easily gave up and asked for some milk. Which he promptly received. And honestly? He'll probably end up with the cookies now too, because that was just too dang cute!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
"But Mommy, I'm Not Tired!"
For those of you who have been thinking about coming to visit, you missed the perfect opportunity this weekend! Our weather was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L (our highs didn't even hit 95, and we got a little bit of rain)!!! Saturday morning we took advantage of the weather and David's day off to take a little hike at Thunderbird Mountain.
Brychan and David in the lead...see those clouds in the distance? Brought rain later in the afternoon, topping off our perfect day!
Mommy, the pack-mule (I have Kehlton on front and a Camelbak on my back) and my two little men.
With Brychan walking, our little loop took about an hour. My daily workouts came in handy, as Kehlton started vomiting pretty forcefully towards the end and was not looking so good. I took him and ran all the way back to the truck to get some more fluids in him and get him under the a/c. After a few minutes he started looking much better, but he scared his mommy to death!! He was perfectly fine before we left, so we're not sure what happened. Grateful he's okay, though!
It was a perfect Saturday; I LOVE hiking and wish I had the opportunity to do it more often!
Brychan and David in the lead...see those clouds in the distance? Brought rain later in the afternoon, topping off our perfect day!
It was a perfect Saturday; I LOVE hiking and wish I had the opportunity to do it more often!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Cute Mover and Not So Cute Ranting
I'll post the cute stuff first so those that wish to skip on more of my ranting can do so easily!
Baby K is getting very serious about the crawling. You can tell he wants nothing more than to chase big brother all over the place. He has moved (once) a few paces forward by crawling, but most of the time he still just moves backwards. Although, he is getting better at leap frogging forward...not sure how he manages that, but it's pretty dang cute.
No matter where I put him on the floor, he always manages to get eaten by the couch.

But, he'll keep trying as long as somebody is there to cheer him on!
*Side note: I know it's a rarity to see photos of my children actually clothed. Now that summer is here, and it's already 110 outside, you can guarantee that unless we're somewhere public, chances are VERY good that the boys will be in nothing but diapers. If I had my druthers, I'd be wearing not much more than that as well.
Baby K is getting very serious about the crawling. You can tell he wants nothing more than to chase big brother all over the place. He has moved (once) a few paces forward by crawling, but most of the time he still just moves backwards. Although, he is getting better at leap frogging forward...not sure how he manages that, but it's pretty dang cute.
No matter where I put him on the floor, he always manages to get eaten by the couch.
But, he'll keep trying as long as somebody is there to cheer him on!
Now for my ranting. I am on week 4 of working out 5 days a week. I meet up with a couple of girls from my ward and we spend an hour each morning running, biking, lifting weights...whatever. We work hard, for an hour at 6:30 in the morning. Many mornings, 6:30 is hard enough with two boys who don't sleep. But...I love meeting up with these women and I am super motivated to lose this extra Brychan weight. According to the counters on the elliptical/treadmill and/or bike, I am burning 300+ calories each morning. I am still trying to cut back on the junk food and consume more of the fruits and veggies (I know you've all heard this before), and down as much water as possible. Yesterday, I stepped on the scale to find that I am just gaining weight!! I wouldn't mind so much if I were losing inches, but I'm not. The pants are just as tight now as they were when I started. UGH!!! I know it's only been 4 weeks, and I wasn't expecting much, but is a pound or two really too much to ask? I'm still working out, but am losing the motivation to stay away from the yummy Lehi Roller Mills brownies currently sitting on my counter.
I'm not giving up yet. This morning I took an iPod with me, which helped a bit. In another week or so I'll get new shoes and that will keep me going for a bit longer. Hopefully by then, I will start seeing some results. I'm contemplating an indoor triathlon in the fall (one day I'm positively gung-ho about it; the next totally terrified and unsure), so that and the idea of losing all this weight before even thinking about baby #3 is what I'm keeping my eyes on (although I had that same goal right before I found out I was preggo with Kehlton, so we know how well that works). Why does it have to be so hard? All David has to do is go on a bike ride a couple times a week and he loses 5+ pounds effortlessly. Not really sure how fair that is...but for now, I will keep going with my fingers crossed that something gives soon!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Baby Shower
Cute little Jamie works with me in Relief Society. She and her husband just moved here about 4 months ago; pregnant with their first baby. When I found out she wasn't having a shower of any kind, Vanessa and I jumped to put one together for her. Even though Jamie wasn't too keen on the idea at first (worried about awful games and whatnot), we had so much fun last night. So excited to see this little boy who's due to appear within the next two weeks!
Showing off the belly
Jamie with Cassie, Kate and Vanessa
The entire group of ladies
Jamie...I have LOTS more photos for you!!
Showing off the belly

Memorial Day
This is the outfit Brychan chose to help Daddy put the flag out Monday morning. There was no changing his mind about it, either!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My Little Man
6 month check up was this afternoon for Kehlton. He's so little!!! He came in with the following stats:
15.2 lbs
26.5 inches
Brychan at his 6 month appointment?
19.25 lbs
27.5 inches
No wonder Kehlton's clothes just fall right off him!! But...he's healthy and strong and right on schedule for everything. He also did great with the shots this time; no crying at all (which Mommy is very grateful for since Daddy was unable to come). Why do they have to grow up so fast?!?
15.2 lbs
26.5 inches
Brychan at his 6 month appointment?
19.25 lbs
27.5 inches
No wonder Kehlton's clothes just fall right off him!! But...he's healthy and strong and right on schedule for everything. He also did great with the shots this time; no crying at all (which Mommy is very grateful for since Daddy was unable to come). Why do they have to grow up so fast?!?
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