Monday, March 15, 2010

Mr. Sandman

I would love for the Sandman to spend a little more time in our home. Kehlton has decided that he no longer wants to take naps. Which I guess would be fine if it didn't make him so dang crabby by the end of the day. He is a fighter - with an entire "No Sleep" routine. It's as follows:

1. Let Mom, Dad or LaLa cradle me with my binkie. Pretend like I like it and try to charm my way out of a nap by giving irresistible smiles, giggles and stories. This always buys me at least a few more minutes.
2. Once they're on to me, squirm and fuss until I'm no longer in cradle position. Preferably we will all end up in a standing position.
3. If the adult still insists on trying to make me sleep, try to convince them that I'm still starving. This is especially effective when Mom is not the one trying to put me to sleep.
4. If that fails, allow myself to be cradled, but find something in the room to stare at and do NOT blink (when he does this you can blow in his face and he still won't blink).
5. When my eyes get so tired that I can't manage that any longer, squirm, cry and scream for as long as possible. Hopefully, they will give up before I succumb to the rocking, swaying, shooshing, rubbing of the nose and/or bouncing.

I'd say 75% of the time we manage to beat his game, and he goes to sleep. 50% of that time, his naps are 30 minutes or less. He will go for days without a nap. However, once we manage to get him to go to sleep for bedtime, he stays there and sleeps great, which we greatly appreciate!

And unfortunately, since Brychan made the move to his big boy bed, his night terrors have increased. We went through 3 of them last week (they use to happen less than once a month). Although they are more frequent, they don't seem be as severe, which is a blessing. Either way they break my heart (I usually end up in tears) and nobody gets much sleep. Thank goodness he takes GREAT naps!!!

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