Friday, March 26, 2010

The Belly Bump

My apologies for the scantily clad child. He was on his way to bed when we stopped to play for a minute. David told me to put clothes on him before turning the camera on, but I was just too afraid that if we stopped the play, it wouldn't get started again! These brothers sure do love each other. I love it!! Hopefully it lasts for years to come.


The Other Michelle said...

How fun! Isn't it amazing what boys find fun and laughable? Z loves chasing J around the house-- and it started WAY before he could walk or crawl. I can't believe how big Kehlton is getting!

Mary said...

That is too cute!! I was going to mention something about the doctor telling you Brychan is obese when you first posted it but I forgot. John was built just like Brychan when he was little and was always off the charts and still is. When I took John in for his physical before playing football when he was 10 the doctor told him he was obese. It made me furious. John had always been a big boy and if she thought he had a problem I would have liked her to tell me something like that in private. I watched what John ate and he was a very active kid so I figured it was something he would out grow and if not he was a healthy boy. He did just that! He is now 5' 4" and only weights 105, so tall and skinny. But because of what the doctor said he constantly ask me if he is fat. That doctor gave him a complex about his weight and one he will probably always deal with now.
Sorry for rattling on, but my point is this. Brychan is young and will not remember the doctors comment, but I would try to make sure it does not continue to happen so that it does not hurt Brychan. As you know he is darling and healthy, that is what matters.

Jocie said...

That is way cute! I like your new background too =)