Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Danger Boy

This morning, Brychan figured out not only how to pull the dining room chairs out from under the table, but also how to climb up to sit on them at the table. We have pub-style chairs; meaning they are quite a bit taller than your average dining room chairs.

There are multiple things wrong with this photo.

1. Obviously, standing on TOP of the table is not a good idea.
2. Pulling on the ceiling fan chain also not a good idea.
3. Walking all over Mommy's scrapbooking papers not so hot either.
4. Sneaking a binky that he KNOWS is for sleeping ONLY tops the cake.

When he saw me coming he knew he was in trouble, but not for standing on the table. He immediately pulled the binky out of his mouth and chucked it across the room towards me, all the while continuing to pull on the fan chain and stand on the table.

This is what happens when I make the mistake of trying to make my bed while Brychan is NOT SLEEPING. Two boys is starting to scare me...


Jocie said...

That is too funny! And making the bed is way over-rated anyway---just ask Mark.

Natalie said...

Sneaky little boy! I loved that he threw the binky- when that was the least of your worries. =)

Wendi said...

Be scared, VERY scared. Double the trouble Brychan makes and that will be your life. Trust me, I know:)

Really, this kind of thing happens in my house on a regular basis, and my boys are surviving. Me, on the other hand a little frazzled, but makes life fun:)Seriously, you'll be fine. Just be ready to clean up more messes:)

SPENCERS said...

just you wait! Two boys!? What fun! I'm glad you had the camera ready to take this picture-classic: troublemaking at its finest!

Brewer's Ink said...

Oh, I don't know . . . it looks pretty normal to me. Welcome to the joys of parenting boys!