Friday, February 6, 2009

Hair, Hair Everywhere!!

Lately, everybody has been commenting on all of Brychan's hair. Yes, he has a ton of it and is probably ready for his SECOND hair cut (it's starting to get a little too mullett like again in the back). I've commented before on his crazy, out of control hair and now I have the proof!

This is what we deal with on a daily basis. If we're going someplace, then I deal with it multiple times a day (which consists of completely wetting it down, adding gel and lotion and keeping my fingers crossed). If we're staying home - I mess with it once and call it good. It's hopeless!!


Marie said...

I think it is cute. . . and hey, its got style. I cannot believe he is almost 1 year old.

Mary said...

That reminds me of Laurie's daughter Sarah when she was little. She had a lot of blonde hair and not matter what Laurie did it would stick straight up. Brychan looks very cute though.

Angela said...

Ah, just mohawk it!

Nilda Noel said...

I can't believe his hair is that long and has already gotten a haircut. I'm sure you're hoping when you have a girl hers will that fast too.