Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Baby Ducks

One of my favorite things about where we live is the fact that we have a lake in our subdivision.  Obviously, living in the desert, large bodies of water anywhere is rare.  But, because we live across the street from this lake, we also get to enjoy lots of birds year round.  Right now is the time for Canadian Geese, a wide variety of ducks, quail and all their little chicks.  Our entire neighborhood seems to be extremely cautious of all the birds around, and traffic is quite frequently at a stand still to let a family of birds cross the street.

Kehlton especially loves the birds.  All birds to him are geese.  Except for ducks.  And to him, all ducks are "baby ducks".  He loves these baby ducks so much that he even calls himself a baby duck.

The other day we stopped at the lake so David could take some photos of his truck.  While sitting there, we had a few little visitors.  You can tell they're just waiting to be fed, but that is strictly against the rules (and there are several crabby residents near by that will let you know if you're infriging upon those rules).

Kehlton wanted to just get as close as he could.  He was very slow and quiet, and you could just barely hear him saying "quack, quack" as he tried to approach his little duckies.

Love this photo.  Just a boy happily watching his ducks.

Since there's no place around here to feed the ducks, we've decided that while we're in Utah, we're going to have to make a pit stop at Beuss Pond.  My boys will LOVE it.  And so will I.  It's one of my favorite places in Ogden!!

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