So this has been a super busy and SUPER fun week for Brychan.
Unfortunately for him, his optometrist said that he needs to wear his patch again for 2 hours every day. Pure torture. We made another sticker chart; this one for a trip to "the movie theater with popcorn and a doughnut" (his exact request...not sure what the doughnut is all about but whatever floats your boat, kid!). He had to wear his patch for 5 days in a row to get to go to the movies. It was not easy, but he did it. And he was SO proud of himself!! I really wish I would have gotten his reaction on video last night as we were waiting for Daddy to come home so we could go to the movies. "I did it, Mom! I got all my stickers all by myself! Now, because I wore my patch and got my stickers I get to go to the movie theater and have popcorn and a doughnut". One proud mamma right here!! By the way, we went to the dollar theater and saw Rio. Afterwards, we stopped by Dunkin Donuts so he could have his doughnut.
This morning, he got to play at Bella's house. I really need to get a photo of them together. She is his "best best friend at church". They are seriously attached at the hip, and if you ask her, Brychan is her boyfriend. He had a fun morning!!
I saw a cute little interview another Mom had done with her preschooler, so I decided to try it out on Brychan. Here's how it went:
How old are you? 3
How old is Mom? 7
How old is Dad? 9
What makes you happy? Toys!
What makes you sad? Being in time out
What does Mommy always say to you? "Don't fight"
What does Daddy always say to you? "Go to time out"(Poor Dave. That is not what he always says...)
What is your favorite thing to eat? Cereal (Funny. He eats at least 3 peanut butter sandwiches a day)
What is your favorite thing to do? Play
What is your favorite TV show? Curious George
What are you good at? Wearing my patch!!(I love it!!)
What is your favorite movie?Finding Nemo (Again. Really? Cause you threw a fit when K wanted to watch it today)
Who is your best friend? Lexy and Bella
What is your favorite song in nursery? Ring Around the Rosies
What do you and Mommy do together? Be friends
What do you and Daddy do together? Play toys
Where is your favorite place to go? The library
What do you want to be when you grow up? A dinosaur!! (Please no....)
I thought his answers were cute, and many of them totally surprised me!