Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Easter 2013

Saturday afternoon (after the egg hunt), I had to run to the store to buy eggs (which they were just about sold out of) because I had forgotten about dying eggs. 

The boys had fun making a massive mess.  
I'm not sure which got more dye; Kehlton's eggs or his hands!

Jessa had fun just being outside!

From the sounds and the level of excitement in our house Sunday morning, you would have thought it was Christmas rather than Easter!  The boys were very excited that the Easter bunny had visited in middle of the night.

Sharing their fun with Jessa, which she thoroughly enjoyed.

I kind of spaced doing photos before church, and Brychan had every stitch of clothing off within 20 seconds of walking in the front door once we got home.  So, Easter photos this year are mostly of Jessa, with a few of Kehlton thrown in.  

She was more interested in playing with the grass than taking photos.

I LOVE this photo! And Kehlton's outfit?  He did have a nice, Easter appropriate outfit on before church.  Unfortunately, it ended up completely covered in chocolate before we made it out the door.  This shirt and tie combo was what he absolutely insisted on wearing.  Between the boys there are several other ties he could have chosen from, but it had to be this tie with this shirt.  Gotta love him!!!

And finally?  Jessa just being Jessa.  We see this face all the time.  She loves making the noise that comes from sucking on her bottom lip.  I absolutely love this little baby doll of mine!!  And I have to admit, I had way too much fun having a girl to dress up for Easter!

On the way home from church, we asked the boys what they had talked about in Primary that day.  Brychan's class evidently skipped an Easter lesson and talked about the Holy Ghost.  But Kehlton surprised us all by telling us every detail about the crucifixion and Christ's resurrection.  I am always amazed at what they pick up and retain when you think they aren't paying any attention! I am so in love with my little ones and love that I get to be their mom.  I am so grateful for my husband and our beautiful family.  We hope your Easter was as wonderful as ours!

1 comment:

Lindsey Bench said...

That last picture of Jessa is the best thing I have ever seen.