Sunday, April 8, 2012

Super Saturday!

This Saturday was ridiculously busy. But busy with lots of fun things!  First thing Saturday morning, we went over to the Peoria Sports Complex for the annual Easter Egg Hunt.  And again, we had lots of fun!
When it came time for the actual egg hunt, Kehlton froze up.  He must not have liked the rush of all those toddlers and parents, because he would not pick anything up.  He came back totally empty handed.  And when it was Brychan's turn, Kehlton wanted nothing to do with it.  He just kept telling me how scary it was.  This coming from the kid who has always been completely fearless of ANYthing!

Don't feel too bad for him, though.  They got plenty of other fun treats at all the booths and carnival games, and big brother was more than happy to share some of his loot.  Brychan knew exactly what he was doing and he did it well!

On our way out of the Egg Hunt, the boys got to climb inside a fire truck, which is always a huge hit!

After the Easter Egg Hunt, we headed over to Rio Vista Park to play for awhile.  We don't bring the kids to this park very often, just because it is SO crazy and hard to keep track of two little ones.  Needless to say, they had a blast.

After the park, we enjoyed lunch at Sonic and then headed to a friends birthday party.  Little Brycen is in our ward (Brycen's dad works in the scouts with David, and his mom is in YW with me) and he turned 1 on Saturday.  The boys had fun playing and enjoying the "happy birthday party".

By the time we got home and had naps, David had just enough time to replace the toilet in the main bathroom; which will be a post in and of itself.  I will say that Brychan is very proud of his new toilet.  I'll get that post up shortly...

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