Thursday, April 8, 2010

Project List

Since we sold my car, and work has been steadily picking up for David, I often find that I am at home, with the boys, doing nothing but cleaning and changing diapers without leaving the house for days. I was starting to get more than a little frustrated with my current lot in life, so after perusing a variety of "Super-Mom" craft blogs, I started making lists of things I wanted to try to do. Needless to say, since I've started doing these little projects, I am a much happier momma!! I had to call my mom the other day to tell her just how good it felt to be doing something NOT baby related. All of you know just how much I love my babies and love being a mom. I don't, however, love feeling like my brain is turning to mush. (I really don't want to sound like I'm complaining...certain sacrifices have to be made in order for us to achieve our long term goals. It's just that those sacrifices sometimes get a little boring and tedious)

So here's what I've been working on lately.

Better meal planning. I'm trying to have our meals planned out and posted on the fridge so we can easily pick what we want for dinner that night. I'm trying to make them more diverse (hoping to get my son to eat something) and healthy. This week? All vegetarian.

I taught myself how to make bread (and am now addicted). I've made whole wheat and regular white. Next batch will be a quest for the perfect blend of the two. Love the light airiness of the white, but also love the nutrition of the whole wheat. I even figured out how to keep it from cracking (the photo below was my very first attempt at bread making). Thanks again, Natalie, for the super easy recipe - I love it!!

I stole my sister's sewing machine and took an entire morning remembering how to use the dang thing. (I think the last time I used one I was sewing Barbie clothes) However, within a few hours, I had made a slew of these:
These burp cloths are far from perfect, but they serve their purpose and helped re-acquaint me with the sewing machine. I now have a list of sewing projects I want to attempt, including a new one I hope to start today. If it turns out, I'll share. If not, we'll just pretend it never happened.

I am also working on updating our 72 hour kits to not only include supplies for our two children, but also make them more child friendly and provide a little nourishment for the dog. I'm still in the beginning phases of this one. It's going to take me awhile, I think.

That's it...for now. If you have any brilliant ideas I should tackle next, feel free to share! And for any lonely, bored moms in my area (surely I can't be the only one...) you are more than welcome to join me for any project!!


The Other Michelle said...

Sounds like fun! If you stumble upon the perfect meal plan that your entire family will eat, PLEASE share recipes, pictures of smiling faces and empty plates ;)

Scott and Jillian said...

Whenever I come across cute projects while stalking craft blogs, I post a link to them on my 'crafty' blog. Granted, I haven't MADE any of the projects yet, but one of these days I will get around to some of them. The address is Maybe you'll find some fun projects on there.

Greg and Lara said...

Wow, you are a prolific blogger. I am so impressed, and happy to have found your blog. Thanks for finding mine first. :)

Natalie said...

Glad the recipe has been working out. Sounds like you have some fun projects to do. Just remember when you are changing those diapers that life could be worse- you could still be doing my job! :)

Marie said...

Alyssa, I have a really good recipe that we like and it is actually called white wheat bread. If you are interested I can pass it along.