Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Eve

The Saturday before Easter we took Brychan to a city Easter egg hunt at the baseball stadium. We had SO much fun! After his egg hunt, we played carnival games, slid down the inflatable slides, went to the petting zoo and rode a circus train. We really had so much fun and can't wait to go again next year.

Daddy and Brychan waiting for the egg hunt to begin

Getting ready... (check out the video below to see him in action!)
Daddy and Kehlton

Mommy and Kehlton riding the train

Brychan had a blast with these huge baseballs

Then, Saturday night, LaLa joined us for the Easter Pageant at the Mesa temple. We stopped at 5 Guys Burgers and Fries for dinner, then went to the temple to wait for the pageant to start.

Our blurry little family (it's the best we could get in the dark).


Jocie said...

That looks like so much fun---sure wish we didnt have snow on the ground so we could do stuff like that....

(and please thank Brychan for the playlist---Hallie LOVES it! She doesn't like me to look at other blogs =))

David & Alyssa Stander said...

That's funny, Jocie. Dave and I were just talking last night about having everybody here some Easter since we can guarantee beautiful, perfect weather for the rest of you fighting snow!

And Hallie is very welcome. Brychan doesn't like to look at music-less blogs either!