Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Honey, Come Look at Your Son..."

Aren't really words I want to hear first thing in the morning. That phrase usually means somebody is up to no good.

I walk into the living room and stumble across this... (there were several other piles just like it)

And then I found this. Just sittin' in the corner, minding his own business, enjoying an early morning snack. Sunday, I made a peanut butter cup cheesecake. There were leftover mini-pb cups in the fridge, which Brychan helped himself to. Granted, he didn't take the entire bag out of the fridge; just took one handful at a time. When one handful was "finished", he went back to the fridge for another handful. I think a refrigerator lock is in order.

And this little guy was watching just like this. He obviously thought the entire ordeal was too funny!


Angela said...

Very funny! You have to admit, it is world's better than the naughty I found the other day after I was done feeding Colin-- Ellie had found a ball point pen, broken off the tip in the back of the TV, smeared the ink all over the electronics and media center and her pjs. I so don't ever want to see that again. At least her pjs are a reminder to her of "my naughties".

The Other Michelle said...

Wow! Brychan is getting so clever. I love Kehlton's grin!