Sunday, February 21, 2010

Spoiled Rotten

This is the loot my son acquired from random people this week, for no other reason than that he's cute. The pink cow and matchbox car are from complete strangers. The two trucks are from our neighbor (whom I've never even met, by the way) who came across them and thought Brychan might like them. This isn't all that unusual...he's received free bouquets of balloons from the store, candy, coloring pages in the past. I'm going to start putting him in a t-shirt that says "I Like Money, Too!". Maybe we could have his college paid for by the time he graduates elementary school.

*side note...Brychan is totally in love with the two trucks. He has been playing with them non-stop. He makes a bee-line for them when he wakes up from his naps or first thing in the morning. Evidently the fire truck is the daddy truck and the dump truck is the mommy truck. Too cute!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Wow!!! How does he steal so many hearts? So cute that he has a mommy and a daddy truck.