Thursday, July 18, 2013

First Lost Tooth

Tuesday night, Brychan discovered his first loose tooth. I am already struggling with the fact that he's getting ready to start Kindergarten in 3 weeks; I didn't need his first loose tooth on top of it!!  Anyway.  He was quite worried and obsessed about it; worried if it would hurt, worried if he could still eat, wondering if the Tooth Fairy was really real or just a story, and on and on and on (I asked him what he thought about the Tooth Fairy, and his response was "I don't know Mom...I've never lost a tooth before. I have to test it out").  Then at 5:30 Wednesday morning, it was the same conversation all over again.  I was trying to get out the door to work and left him with "Honey, you don't need to worry about it yet.  It will take a long time for your tooth to fall out.  It's okay".

Literally 10 minutes after I got to work this morning, David texted me telling me that Brychan's tooth had fallen out.  WHAT?!?! 

So, I made a quick call to Brychan to get all the details, finished with work and hurried home.  As soon as we got home, we decided to make a tooth fairy pillow for him.

This is what we ended up with.

Brychan helped with everything.  He picked out his own fabric, he helped me sew it and he put all the stuffing in there. I let him decorate the tooth for the front and suggested he put a big "B" on it for Brychan.  His response?  "Mom, it doesn't need a B.  The tooth fairy will know it's my pillow because it's my tooth in it."  DUH (I would really like to know how I ended up with a 10 year old boy in my little 5 year old's body...).  But obviously, there had to be blood on it because that's what his real tooth looked like.  I was glad he decided to put a cute little face on it in the end.

He is so proud of his little pillow!  He carried it around with him all day yesterday, and he still has it with him this morning.  Oh!  And after testing the Tooth Fairy theory; discovering money in his pillow rather than his tooth, he has decided that the Tooth Fairy is in fact, real.

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