Friday, April 12, 2013

6 Months Already!

This week, I took Jessalyn in for her 6 month appointment (sniff, sniff).  Her stats?

26" long
15.15 lbs

EXACTLY the same as Kehlton at that age.  Which is kinda crazy, because Kehlton seemed SO small with nowhere near the amount of delightful rolls that Jessalyn has.  Jessa is in the 90% for her height (thank you Stander genes!) and 50% for her weight (again - what?!?!  Have you seen her chub??).  After 4 shots she was not a happy camper and she let me know about it all the way home.  She was super sad during the shots, and then the rest of it was more of a "I'm not about to let you forget I'm upset with you for doing this to me" little yell.

A little about Jessa?

The girl LOVES to sing.  Seriously.  She wakes up singing every single morning.  And then she continues throughout the day.  Many times at church we have to take her out into the hallway not because she's fussy (because she never is) but because she just won't stop singing!!  It's the cutest thing EVER.

She LOVES to eat, but is already a super picky eater.  Formula only when absolutely necessary and with a lot of coaxing.  Plain cereal?  Don't even think about it.   She will NOT swallow it, but just hold her mouth open with the cereal just sitting there (see photo below).  It has to have fruit mixed in with it.  We tried the little puff snacks this week, and she loves the idea of putting them in her mouth by herself, but doesn't seem to care for the texture at all.  Green beans?  Absolutely.  Peas? No way.  But so far, any type of fruit is perfectly acceptable.  As is Cool Whip.

Jessa is amazingly patient with her brothers.  They maul her all the time.  ALL the time.  To the point where it looks like it should hurt or at least be super annoying (Case in point: the headphones in the first photo? Courtesy of big brothers).  But she never complains about it.  The exact opposite, actually.  She is always smiling and beaming at them; regardless of what they are dishing out to her.  She LOVES her boys!!  Which is good, because they love her just as much.  If not more.  You should have seen the little puddles they both melted into when they saw all her band-aids from her shots.  She will have fierce protectors for life.

All in all, she is still a super happy, extremely easy, laid back, easy going little girl.  We love and adore her!

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