Monday, July 25, 2011

Imagination Avenue

This morning, Lala and I took the boys to Imagination Avenue. It's an indoor "city" that is all child sized. They have a fire department, grocery store, Home Depot, a school, a house, puppet theater, a clothing store, a jail and a road that connects all the stores. It's really a pretty cute idea. So here's an overload of photos from our excursion this morning!

Police Officer Stander
Fire Chief Stander
And then they both ended up in jail...
(isn't this the saddest jail face you've ever seen?)
Building who knows what
Shopping at the market

And doing laundry (which is Kehlton's favorite chore to help with at home too!)

1 comment:

Jocie said...

Love the one of Kehlton in jail! Hallie liked all of them---she kept asking to look at at these pics over and over...