Saturday, June 26, 2010

"Happy" Friday!

Friday night, I was getting Kehlton ready for bed. Walked back into our bedroom and stumbled across this:

At first I just saw the stuff on the tile and wondered if the dog had gotten into an old pillow or blanket until I realized I was looking at old insulation, and then I noticed the rest.

This is on the other side of the closet floor

And looking up at the top of David's side of our closet

And our huge gaping hole looking up through the closet ceiling into the attic.

I noticed this around 8:00pm and we spent the next 4 hours cleaning and trying to figure out what happened.
Turns out the pipe to drain the a/c unit was clogged (thank you to our past renters who refused to change the filter ever!) and the drip pan was not installed correctly. So, after enough over flow and dripping, the ceiling just caved. David got the a/c fixed this morning (after a fairly uncomfortable night...we didn't want it dripping continuously, so turned the a/c up) and we are still cleaning and trying to figure out the best way to repair it.
I am still in the process of cleaning ALL of David's clothes. I may be doing laundry non-stop for the next week. However, I am SO grateful that my husband knows how to fix all the problems himself, so we don't have to hire anybody; just pay for supplies. Phew!!


Brewer's Ink said...

So, so sorry. Those unexpected "surprises" are never fun!

Natalie said...

Oh noooo!! What a mess! That is nice to have someone to fix those kind of things.