Thursday, March 18, 2010

Work In Progress

When I bought this house almost 5 years ago, I bought it because the backyard was so green and lush. I felt like I had my own little secret garden. An extreme rarity in Arizona. Fast forward 4 years when we move back into the house. Imagine my dismay when we discovered the renters had not watered the yard at all for an entire year. Obviously, everything died. So, we are starting over. And unfortunately, big projects always have to get 100 times worse before they get any better. About a month ago, David started cutting down all the oleander and bougainvilleas in the yard.

This is what it looks like now. Ugly. Brown. Barren. Sad. And no room to spare, let alone play, in the backyard.

It will take about a year for all my beautiful, green bushes to fully grow back. Hopefully in the fall we can lay sod. And if I'm lucky, next summer I will have my gorgeous little secret garden back. But next week, all the bushes Dave cut down will be hauled away, so there will at least be room to play!

1 comment:

Brewer's Ink said...

What a lot of work! Sorry that your green has been taken over by brown. One little corner at a time - remember, "By small and simple things are great things come to pass."