Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Reason Laundry is NEVER Done...

Is all thanks to this little angel...

He is a not just a spitter, but a puker like I have never seen before. I know his daddy held his own at this age, but holy cow! I'm not talking a little spit up here and there. I'm talking overflowing handfuls of ickyness. Using 3, sometimes 4 burp cloths per episode (I am in the process of making a ton more). It is not pretty.

I average three different outfits a day.

Kehlton is allowed three outfits a day himself. After that I give up and it's nothing but diaper.

I don't get that luxury!

Since I am "between" wardrobes, I run out of options quickly and move on to my husband's t-shirts.

Last night, David and I went through a total of 3 separate outfits in about 20 minutes. Kehlton managed to stay in the exact same outfit, totally unscathed.

It is getting better, but other than head to toe ponchos, I don't know what else to do.

Maybe I need to go shopping.


Brewer's Ink said...

Been there - ewww, yuck! We finally had to put Joseph on a different formula.

Jocie said...

I love that picture. He is such a cute little spit up machine!

The Other Michelle said...

Love the photo!